Home Freebies Why You Instantly Need To Delete Google Chrome

Why You Instantly Need To Delete Google Chrome

One of Google’s new tracking admissions, which hasn’t yet made headlines, should serve as a severe warning to Chrome’s 2.6 billion users to delete Google Chrome. Feature updates and slick marketing are just the tip of the iceberg. Chrome is in a mess. Users are no longer protected from tracking and data harvesting as they were previously.

According to a report by IBM

Blocking the tracking and profiling of users failed to solve the problem. It is also harmful to society when individuals constantly monitor.

Chrome only meaningfully protects Cross-site tracking. So users will remain at risk. Such ubiquitous web tracking has led to a loss of trust between Google and its users. 

  • 72% of people say that advertisers, tech companies, and other companies track their online activity
  • It appears that data collection carries too many risks for 81% of respondents.

Why You Need To Delete Google Chrome

Its flagship browser still enables tracking like that by default. To follow the money, all you need to do is follow it. By limiting tracking, advertisers will be able to target users with the following: 

  1. A sales pitch
  2. Messages on politics
  3. Observations

There is currently no Plan B for Google’s incredible idea of anonymous tracking. As many as 52 companies can theoretically track the average web browser’s history. During a call with the Internet Engineering Task Force, a senior Chrome engineer explained. At least 60% of companies can observe.

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As part of a plan to improve user privacy, Google is introducing a Privacy Sandbox. It means to help advertisers target users more responsibly. Data brokers and trackers are set up on a complex web. Adding new technologies adds to that complexity and cannot be separated from that complexity.

FLoC failed because of this unhappy situation. An attempt by Google to encrypt web traffic anonymized. Putting a wall around a chicken coup with only half of it is not particularly effective. It is especially dangerous when foxes are already inside.

So, a FLoC cohort rather than an individual target. You based on your interests and behaviors. So you are not Jane Doe, 55 years old and a sales assistant living at 101 Acacia Avenue. Advertisers present to you as a member of Cohort X.

This allows them to predict your online behavior and purchase patterns from the websites you frequently visit with other cohort members. Advertisers would pay to play, and Google would control the entire process.

Fire immediately erupted at FLOC. Various privacy advocates expressed concerns that data brokers may add cohort IDs to other data. It gives them even more information on individuals, including addresses and browser identities. Cohort IDs also posed the risk of: 

  • Politics of information disclosure
  • Sexism
  • Having good health
  • The finance department

When Google launched its controversial FLoC trial, it assured me in April that it firmly believes that FLoC is superior to the individual cross-site tracking that is currently prevalent.

Google recently admitted that it is not valid. The fingerprinting surface of today’s Internet. Users can be uniquely identified even without FLoC. This increase the number of fingerprinting characters. In keeping with privacy lobby warnings, let me translate that. FLOC worsens the situation, not improves it.

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Last month, Google said it needed to rethink the FLoC trial before proceeding into production. The company stated that it has become apparent that this will require more time throughout the ecosystem to get it right.

Tracking cookies were exempt from this moratorium. There is a connection between all of them. Rival Brave warned that Google would track and profile users through cookies at least through 2023. Privacy online is a burgeoning issue. By 2023, Google is already underwater and seems to require significant reform.

FTC’s regulatory concerns that triggered FLoC’s delay are also responsible for Google’s delay. There could be an undue concentration of power for Google over this ecosystem. As a Chrome user, the situation is much worse. 

  1. As long as third-parties track, 
  2. The failure of FLoC
  3. Improvements to technology are not definite
  4. The fingerprinting problem on Chrome is not going away anytime soon.

Why You Should Not Use Google Chrome

Privacy Sandbox proposals are continually being explored for ways to make them more private. We support an open and free internet. When I asked Google about the unexpected IETF admission, they responded. We have not yet made any decisions.

However, it has become clear that third-party cookies will remain. Google may be stuck for a long time if it can’t find a way out. To regroup, Google is hiding. As part of its effort to consolidate its web tracking control, Mozilla says.

Unfortunately, getting rid of Chrome isn’t that simple. The search engine and browser are not the same as Google’s. Many trackers are installed on Google websites as there are on Facebook, which is ranked third-worst. In the same vein, recent reports suggest Google may pay Apple about $15 billion. Its devices will default to the Google search engine this year.

Google uses Chrome as one of its primary platforms for profiling users. In addition, you can include: 

  • A map
  • Sending an email
  • Mobile devices
  • YouTube
  • As well as its many other platforms, 
  • Include apps and services in the mix. 

Google is only able to put user privacy. So, first, if it can find alternative ways to sell these ads. The browser market is late in putting user privacy first.

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This week, my STC colleague Kate O’Flaherty said that Chrome gives up your privacy. Private information is not going to be preserved. However, advertisers continue to be served. Information about you is essential.

Google told the IETF that fingerprinting is real, regardless of FLoC. Our goal is to stop the highly pervasive tracking of web users across a wide range of websites. Do not track by default. Limit the collection of personal information. You can always add back in a legitimate privacy-preserving option if you find one. It’s too expensive for you. Therefore, users must make their own decisions.

Thousands of you were enrolled in Google’s secret FLoC origin trial without your consent, without an opt-in or opt-out. Google similarly changed its mind after promising to abandon tracking cookies, which is not okay.

I agree with you; Google needs to find a means of making your data available to its paying advertisers. To survive, it must have a surveillance business model.

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